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Introduction of technology: four TYPES OF TECHNOLOGIES


Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life.


1) Technologie 1.0

2). Technologie 2.0

3). Technologie 3.0

4). Technologie 4.0

1)Technologie 1.0

 It is a normal and oldest Technologie.

It use by wheel,the plow, and the printing press etc material.

ex=bahubali movie have some seen for Technologie.

2). Technologie 2.0

In day this type of technology is used.

 It not morden and not olden technology.todays companys work on this types of  Technologie

3). Technologie 3.0

It based on internet.

all IT company work on this technology.

4). Technologie 4.0

It 6G base technology .

It is not used today but  next technology is  Technologie 4.0

 In human life technology is very importent


A society without technology seems almost impossible to imagine. The amount of things that we now use and take for granted that were around 100 years ago, like the telephone and television, would seem almost impossible to think of today. Imagine if all these things were gone. It is very hard to visualize a world without any type of technology. The impact of a society without technology is becoming clear with the issues that are being faced by mental health professionals across the country.


We live in times of rapid technological change. New forms of technology--such as the Internet, personal digital assistants and mobile phones, to name but a few--require further understandings and capabilities to comprehend and conform to new ways of doing things. New technology has the capacity to shape and reform societal norms, often dictating how things are done. It can also be said that the reverse is often true, in that society shapes and forms new technologies (Pullen, 2008). In this information rich society information and communication technologies (ICT) are at the heart of human life and social developments. People have always worked together and communicated via speech, writing and the printed word (Scouter, 2003). The rapid advancement of computers and communication technologies has reached a point where technology is omnipresent in almost every facet of our lives. This has enabled individuals and society to become interconnected in ways that were previously unimaginable, making access to information easier and transforming how we communicate (Finger, Russell, Jamieson-Proctor & Russell, 2007).

The advancement of the Internet in the early 1990s, resulted in the concept of the global village and subsequently new ways of teaching and learning involving hypertext, multimodality and virtual classrooms. This rapid rise in fast, mass communication has reached the point that in order to live, learn and work successfully we must learn to use technology efficiently and effectively. This has lead to a new term called technoliteracy which in effect refers to how literate one is with technology and how they use the technology to communicate.

Strongly associated with the rise of digital technologies, specifically computers, which are becoming more affordable and available, society has had to change to keep pace with technological developments. This upsurge of technologies can be attributed to how society has changed from an 'industrial-based' economy, referred to as the industrial age, to a 'knowledge-based' economy, known as the information age (Cepeda, 2006; Davenport & Prusak, 2000). As a result of these technologically driven changes, labour markets are changing from an industrial base to a knowledge production process, where work practices are being transformed. This context demands a more specialised, highly educated, flexible and technologically savvy workforce (Meredyth, Russell, Blackwood, Thomas & Wise, 1999). Corresponding with the transformation from an industrial age to an information age, society in general has also had to adapt to technological advancements, just as labour markets have and are continuing to do. The implications and global scale of this change have significant global, regional, local and individual repercussions. To varying degrees, all individuals, organisations and societies are affected by this change and “only those who realign their practices most effectively to the information age ... will reap ... benefits. Those who do not will be ... diminished by ... competitors” (Dolence & Norris, 1995, p. 2).

Parallel to the increase in technology in our workplaces and homes is the presence of technology in schools. Technologies such as computers and the Internet are increasingly being made available to teachers and schools, to the point that their presence in schools would be considered to be normal and their absence would be a rarity. Indeed many governments around the world have made the public provision of technology, specifically computers, fundamental education policy. For instance, in the United States, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has the goal of maximising technology’s contributions to improving education (US DoE, 2009), whilst in Australia the focus is on a one-to-one student to computer ratio for every student from grade nine onwards (Australian Labor Party, 2007). Whilst both policies have their merits and faults each has a common fundamental belief that technology access and skill development is an essential requirement for a well-rounded education and the subsequent advancement of a country’s economic prosperity.

Types of Technology

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by computer systems and other machines aimed at performing higher-level tasks that require human intelligence and are normally performed by human beings.

Smart assistants on our devices, such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa are some of the most popular examples of AI. Scientists make continuous efforts to improve AI technology and make it as closely intuitive to human intelligence as possible.

2. Information Technology

Information Technology, also known as IT, involves the use of computer systems—hardware and software— and telecommunications for the purpose of storing, sending, and retrieving information. This technology finds its applications in resolving business challenges and helps streamline organizational processes.

Some significant examples of IT are performance management software, content management software, and telephone and radio equipment.

3. Space Technology

Space technology is a field that helps space scientists plan and execute space exploration, spaceflight, and the observation of Earth. It is mainly used for communication and navigation and to support human activities beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

Telescopes, GPS systems, radio and imaging, space traffic management, and low-Earth orbit satellites are some of the most notable contributions of space technology toward making space exploration accomplishable.

4. Entertainment Technology

Entertainment technology aims at providing better entertainment experiences to users through the use of science and technology. It caters to different subfields of the entertainment industry, such as television, gaming, advertising, streaming, animation, etc.

Some of the common examples of entertainment technology used for various purposes include virtual reality, augmented reality, interactive environments, automation, simulations, and audio-visual areas.

5. Medical Technology

Medical technology aids in more efficient and accurate health assessments, diagnosis, management of health ailments, and treatment, along with implications in the field of pharmacology.

Medical technology has a prominent place in the healthcare industry through techniques, such as robotic surgery, therapeutic devices, biometrics, and diagnostic imaging.

6. Operational Technology

Operational technology, popularly known as OT, is the use of software and hardware for controlling industrial equipment in order to carry out security measures. This technology enables monitoring, controlling, and detecting changes in the processes, devices, and events of industrial networks.

Fire control systems, physical access control mechanisms, and building management systems are some instances of operational technology useful in industrial and building equipment.

7. Assistive Technology

Assistive technology makes various daily activities, such as bathing, walking, hearing, movement, and climbing stairs convenient. This technology has the widest application for individuals with disabilities, thus aiming to improve their quality of life.

Some of the most common and widely used assistive technologies include artificial limbs and arms, wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches.

8. Communication Technology

A crossover of information and communication, communication technology deals with the transfer of information in the form of messages among machines and people. It contributes to the decision-making process and solving problems in people.

Communication technology has made huge strides in recent times, with some examples of this technology being virtual assistants, social media platforms, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

9. Hospitality Technology

This technology aids in client interactions in the hospitality sector using technological infrastructures, such as software and networking means. It has various applications, such as making reservations, offering assistance in various languages using machines, and other areas where it facilitates off-site assistance to add convenience to client interactions.

10. Superintelligence

The use of artificial intelligence and computer systems to facilitate the betterment of human life is referred to as superintelligence. This form of technology replaces various operations that humans would have to do otherwise accomplish manually. Some examples of superintelligence are chatbots, virtual agents, and self-driving cars, among others.

11. Business Technology

The application of technology and science to provide high-level assistance in business activities is known as business technology. This technology has a very wide scope percolating down through different areas of business management, such as information technology, digital marketing, data management, and E-commerce technology to name a few.

12. Agriculture Technology

Agriculture technology is helping replace many manual operations in agriculture that can often be complex and time-consuming with the help of science. Farmers who handle large-scale agricultural production and management are often equipped with modern agricultural technology, such as machines that help regulate temperature and moisture and GPS technologies.

13. Robotics Technology

A combination of science and mathematics, robotics technology is associated with developing machines and software to manufacture intelligent robots. Such robots are used in various other industries. One of the industries that widely use this technology is healthcare, which has immensely beneficial medical robotics implications.

14. Educational Technology

EdTech, or educational technology, has revolutionized the teaching and learning processes with breakthroughs, such as computer-based teaching, interactive learning tools, audio-visual systems, and online learning resources. Educational technology mainly aims to improve the learning process by replacing or complimenting the more traditional approaches with scientific and technological tools.

15. Product and Food Technology

Product and food technology aims to improve and automate various manufacturing operations in the food industry, which is very beneficial to food businesses involved in mass production. Whether it is the automation of manufacturing a food product or quality testing and control, there are various types of machinery involved in the food production process— all thanks to food product technology.

16. Architecture Technology

Today, architecture is so much more than the mere process of designing structures. It involves eco-friendly buildings, space-saving approaches, green buildings, and much more. Architectural technology, while helping architects with the more conventional designing processes, also extends to creating better ways for architects to understand different elements of the design and the geographical considerations while creating sustainable and practical models.

Some examples of architecture technology are Building Information Modeling (BIM), renderings, generative design, 3D printing, and IoT.

17. Construction Technology

The construction industry benefits greatly from construction technology, which is the application of computer systems and software to the construction processes. While it has a certain level of overlap with architecture technology, some common types of technological aids used in construction are drones, virtual reality, data collection apps, and various forms of AI to automate certain processes.

18. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a web-based monetary system that allows information to be encrypted. While it was initially created for digital assets, this technology is currently used to create applications for online stock exchanges and even social media sites.

19. Aerospace Technology

Aerospace technology is one of the most important technological advancements, which finds its applications in the field of space flight, aerospace engineering, and airplane designing. With the advent of this technology, we have access to innovative ways to use space technology and develop components that are more efficient, such as wings for spacecraft and airplanes with a high form of precision and accuracy.

20. Environmental Technology

With the need of the hour being the conservation of resources and our ecosystem, environmental technology has received significant focus, which involves the use of scientific knowledge and techniques that help improve the environment. Some common examples of environmental technology are wind turbines, solar panels, wastewater purifiers, and photovoltaics.

21. Biotechnology

Biotechnology deals with the use of living organisms to create different types of products. It is based on biology and makes use of biochemical and cellular processes to come up with technologies. Biotechnology aims to improve our lives. Some of the modern-day biotechnological processes are genetic engineering, stem cells, and tissue engineering, transgenesis, and DNA cloning, among others.

22. Vehicle Technology

Vehicle technology involves vehicle development, wherein the internal parts of cars and aircraft are upgraded from time to time for improved efficiency. It also aims at bringing down carbon emissions while enhancing the comfort of the vehicle. Some of the notable vehicle technologies are parking sensors, collision avoidance systems, and the most recent development— self-driving cars.

23. Forensic Science Technology

An important area to add more precision to criminal justice, forensic science technology helps identify facts in the investigation process with the help of scientific knowledge surrounding the elements of evidence. Fingerprint analysis, DNA profiling, and facial reconstruction are some of the most remarkable strides in forensic science technology.

24. Military Technology

Military technology aims at creating better tools, weapons, and equipment to better equip military personnel for wars. With heavy investment and the need for countries to outpower each other, some of the notable technological advancements in this area include nuclear weapons, radar equipment, and advanced guns and missiles.

25. Sports Technology

Sports technology is the use of scientific knowledge to design and implement technologies for sports. This technology has helped take sports to the next level with innovative training techniques and designing better competitive surroundings. Video assistant referees, flying drones, camera movements, and edge detectors are among the most popular and commonly used technologies in sports.

26. Electrical Engineering Technology

EET, or electrical engineering technology, combines science and the principles of electrical engineering for improved design, installation, operation, and maintenance of electrical systems. Some of the products of EET are transmission lines, lighting systems, power plant generators, microsensors, and nanosensors.

27. 3D Printing Technology

3D printing technology makes the task of printing objects in three dimensions achievable and more efficient. One of the most prominent technologies for this purpose is CAD software, which helps design the object, which is then entered into a printer to create the object.

28. Quantum Technology

A subfield of physics, quantum technology has various applications in fields, such as communication technology, electric and magnetic sensors, quantum computing, modeling, metrology, and cryptology.

29. Industrial and Manufacturing Technology

This form of technology helps improve industrial and manufacturing processes and operations with scientific techniques. Some of the common technological advancements in this area include automated machines, large and efficient furnaces, conveyor belt systems, and CNC milling machines.

30. Marine Technology

Marine technology helps come up with sophisticated equipment for safe use, protection of, and intervention in the marine environment. Digital route management of ships, integrated control systems, smart defense technology, and IoT on vessels are some of the most widely used modern marine technologies.

Technology is basically a systematic way of doing things or solving problems for the good of mankind. Technology is also a human activity directed at designing and making products like machines, computers, textiles, household devices and others, which make human living comfortable.

What is Science?

Science fundamentally is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world through observations and experiments.

Study of science evolved with the civilization of human beings.


Technology is surely a boon for mankind. It is all the more important for the economic growth of a country. Modern technologies have in fact succeeded in reducing the human effort and the risk in doing a lot many things. But, still, it is for us to see how best we make use of the technology available to us.

While on one hand we can make use of technological advancements of nuclear energy to generate electricity and help many villages lighten us, at the hand the same nuclear energy can be used to create bombs which can cause mammoth destruction. Similarly, robots and other technological advancements have served as a good servant to us but the moment it becomes the master it can wipe off humanity from the Earth.

Invention of Technology:

Technology is as old as life itself. At every point of our civilisation as humans, we have always had different forms of technology so it would not be possible to point out the exact invention of technology.

Advantages of Technology:

All of the things that we make use of daily including internet connection, lamps, cars, air conditioners, phones, laptops, bikes, refrigerators and even gas stoves are all products of technology. Technology has made our life easier and smoother. We can get everything just by a single click of our fingers.

Addiction to Technology:

It is fine if we technology to improve our life and how we live our lives. The problem however lies with addiction to the various technological devices that we use in making our lives better and this addiction can be very disastrous. Today, we have gone so deep into the use of technology that every one of us is busy glued to various technologies and devices today. A very good example is our cell phones, no matter where you go, you will find people busy focused on their phones even when it is not safe for them to do so like while walking on the road, driving a car, or even operating a heavy machinery at work.

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