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UNIVARSAL HUMAN VALUE IMPORTANCE : Types of Human Values: Characteristics and Conclusion.


Human values are the core values that make up our personality and define how we act in life. These values are very important as they make up who we are and are what guide us through life. The values that we hold determine who we want to be as well as how we live our lives and the decisions that we make on an everyday basis. Without these values, our lives would become chaotic and there would be no meaning behind any of the things that we do or say.

All humans have these values in some way or another, and it is up to us to choose which values we hold most dear. The 20th century philosopher Martha Nussbaum puts forth a list of ten innate human values: truth, beauty, justice, courage, temperance, wisdom, love, equality, modesty and hope. These are values that all humans should try to uphold as they go through their day-to-day lives. It is also important for society at large to recognize these values and make them explicit in social systems, institutions and organizations so that people will always know what they stand for.

Importance of Human Values:


The importance of human values is that it provides an understanding of what people find to be important in their lives. There are many different aspects of human values. For example, integrity, morality, and benevolence are all aspects of human values. The value system is not static and can change depending on context or social situation. This means that some people have a certain set of values for one context but may have completely different values in another context. One specific aspect of values is the idea of self-esteem. Self-esteem has two forms: internal and external self-esteem. External self-esteem deals with how others perceive you while internal self-esteem deals with how you perceive yourself. If someone has high external esteem, they want to make sure other people think highly of them as well whereas if someone has high internal esteem, they only want other people to like them because they do themselves

Types of Human Values:


The 6 types of human values are autonomy, community, creativity, justice, power and self-direction. These values are the things that motivate us to do what we do and make decisions based on these values.

  • Autonomy is the ability to be self-directed and take charge of our own actions. When someone has autonomy they have the freedom to choose their own path in life and they can pursue a career or lifestyle they want without feeling like they are being pushed into something that isn’t for them.
  • Community is the sense of belonging and connection to other people. People who value community tend to feel like everyone needs each other to survive and succeed. 
  • Creativity is all about having fun with new ideas and thinking outside the box. It’s important because it helps us solve problems in creative ways so we don’t have to rely on old methods that might not work anymore. 
  • Justice means fairness for everyone and taking care of those who need it most, even if it costs more than usual.
  • Power is the ability to act on one’s desires without interference from others.
  • Self-direction refers to making choices and living according to one’s beliefs instead of letting others tell you how to live your life.

Individuals who value this type of human value enjoy exploring opportunities and trying new experiences. These individuals are often drawn to careers that allow them to explore different fields or at least allow them to change careers throughout their lives. Creative individuals may find themselves drawn to professions such as inventors, musicians, architects and filmmakers. Those who value justice usually end up in careers where they serve others such as doctors, lawyers, teachers and social workers. Those who value power will likely go into law enforcement or government positions where they have authority over what happens in society.

What are the main Human Values?

The main Human Values are honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, caring and citizenship. These values are the core of any human society and they should be applied in every area of life. Honesty is not just telling the truth, but also includes telling people how you feel about them when necessary to maintain their trust. Fairness is not only making sure that everybody has an equal opportunity to play sports or succeed academically, but also means making sure that people are treated equitably within a team or group. Respect goes beyond basic politeness and good manners; it involves recognizing other people’s achievements as well as their differences from ourselves. Responsibility requires us to care for others, but also to do what we say we’re going to do. Caring is not simply providing emotional support for someone who needs it, but acting with concern for their needs even if there is nothing in it for us personally. Citizenship means being loyal citizens of our country, but also promoting justice and peace around the world.

What are Human Values in Ethics?

Human Values in Ethics are concepts that govern how people should act. For example, some Human Values are justice, honesty and kindness. These values can provide a framework for ethical decision-making. One could imagine an individual who is faced with a moral dilemma such as whether to save their family from drowning or rescue one of their friends. In this situation, different human values might dictate which option is preferable. Some may be more interested in selflessness than others and might choose to save the family even though they know they will die while saving them. Others may place great value on loyalty to friends and choose to save their friends even if it means sacrificing their own life.

How do Human Values Influence Daily Life?

Human Values are aspects of life that are important to individuals in their daily lives. These values can be both abstract and concrete, and they can include: love, joy, truth, peace, justice, beauty, and freedom. Human Values influence daily life by directing our attention to what is most important to us as human beings. In turn, these values influence the way we live our everyday lives by helping to determine how we spend our time and energy. For example, if a person’s value is true, then they may want to pursue knowledge or challenge false beliefs with their friends or family members. If a person’s value is justice, then they may want to help someone who has been wronged in some way. Ultimately, these individual Human Values make up an individual’s life philosophy which guides them throughout their journey in this world.

Characteristics of Human Values:

Human values are the things that a person feels are most important in life. For example, family is a human value for some people, while success is a human value for others. The characteristics of human values are what they mean to different people and how they can be applied to real-life situations. People may hold one or more human values as their core values. It is not necessary to have only one set of human values because these can change over time or because one might not have thought about them before.

Nature of Human Values:

Human Values are a topic that is still not completely understood. There are many definitions of Human Values, but the most commonly accepted definition is that Human Values are perspectives or priorities that people use to give meaning to their actions and experiences. The nature of Human Values can be seen as complex and abstract because it deals with how humans experience the world. In this sense, it has an anthropological perspective. People’s experiences shape the way they view things and in turn, these views help define human values. These values are then passed down through socialization. It should be noted that these values may have different meanings for each individual person based on who they interact with and what they see.


The term human values is a difficult one to define, but they are essentially moral values that apply to all humans. Different cultures will have different sets of human values, but some can be found in every culture. These are things such as equality, freedom, and justice. It may be easier to think of human values as principles or guiding beliefs instead of an organized list. Some people may use a religion’s commandments as their set of human values while others find their values within themselves. Either way, individuals need to know what their own set of human values is because these provide guidelines on how they should behave with other people, at home and at work.

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